Bekommt jeder zweite Amerikaner Geld vom Staat ?
Liegt die KOMMUNISMUS-QUOTE in den USA auch schon bei 50 % ?
Abkassiert wird hier und dort jeder Bürger. Ob er will oder nicht.
Jeden Tag bei jedem Kauf: :
"A tax imposed on the sale of goods is depicted on the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs … Sales tax amounts, measured in drachmas at a rate of one percent, were recorded in a separate column of a record prepared for the auction of 16 slaves in Piraeus, Greece in 415 BC.[2] Nearby Athens collected duties on the import and export of commodities, recorded at a rate of two percent in 399 BC. At that period of time, Athens did not rely on government agencies to collect its taxes… (rs: das muss man sich mal vorstellen …) The Roman emperor Augustus collected funds for his military aerarium in AD 6 with a one percent general sales tax, known as the centesima rerum venalium (hundredth of the value of everything sold).[4] The Roman sales tax was later reduced to a half percent (ducentesima) by Tiberius, then abolished completely by
Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg klonten die USA ihr soziales Modell. Erfolgreicher als die UdSSR.
In den 50er und 60er Wirtschaftswunderjahren wuchs und gedieh der B"R"D-Klon besser als die D"D"R.
1971 wurde wegen ein paar fehlender Vietnamkriegsmilliarden der Goldstandard aufgehoben. Anstatt in guter alter amerikanischer Pioniertradition jeden einzelnen Dollar durch ehrliche Arbeit zu verdienen …
… begann der Westen bequem seine Rechnungen mit immer mehr echtem Falschgeld zu bezahlen.
Ich sass zu diesem Zeitpunkt im D"D"R-Zuchthaus ohne Bleistift und Schreibpapier in Einzelhaft und hatte noch keine Ahnung von Volkswirtschaft. Die D"D"R verkaufte Häftlinge und andere Kunstschätze (wie mich 🙂 )für damals noch harte D-Mark.
1972 kam ich nach München und erinnere mich seither an keine einzige Bundestagsdebatte, in der auch nur einmal überlegt wurde, wie man die inzwischen gigantischen Staats- und-Systemschulden jemals zurückzahlt.
Alle lupenreinen Demokraten waren und sind sich seit 40 Jahren parteiübergreifend einig:
Nach uns die Sintflut …
Die lupenreinen Demokraten aller Länder gewannen mit ihrer Alles-auf-Pump-Politik jede Wahl.
In Deutschland die letzten 9 Bundestagswahlen und vermutlich auch die nächste.
Ich leiste dieser millionenfachen finanziellen, militärischen und propagandistischen staatlichen Gewalt Widerstand :
Irgendwo : Rainer Schottlaender, mit seinem kleinen Seil…
Ich bin besonders stolz darauf, in meinem Leben nur einmal "gewählt" zu haben :
1968. In einem D"D"R-Wahllokal. Unter dem damals herrschenden "freiwilligem Zwang" gingen fast alle Wahl"berechtigten" hin. Allerdings die meisten aus Angst und vorauseilendem Gehorsam nicht in die Kabine um geheim abzustimmen. Fast alle warfen ohne anzukreuzen den Zettel mit den "Kandidaten der Nationalen Front" einmal zusammengefaltet in die Wahlurne. Ich fasste mir ein Herz, ging in die Kabine und stellte fest, dass es dort kein Schreibwerkzeug zum Durchkreuzen des Ja-sag-Zettels gab. Ich ging zu dem die Wahl leitenden Stasi-Oberst Klaus Reuscher, der hier zwei Häuser weiter wohnte, in Uniform jeden Wähler notierte, und holte mir einen Kugelschreiber.
Hätte ich heute in den USA die Wahl – ich würde nicht hingehen sondern mir einen schönen Sonntag machen.
Ob nun Romneys oder Obamas Seilschaften die nächste Billion verballern…
Mutiert die USA zur neuen Sowjetunion ? Die G-8 zum Warschauer Pakt ?
In der Räte oder "Aufsichts"räte das Restvolk abzocken ?
Robert Samuelson: Romney's 47% is
actually more
It is a measure of Mitt Romney's inadequacies as a candidate that he has not been able to turn his latest gaffe – his dismissive reference to the 47 percent of Americans who "are dependent upon government" – into a teachable moment and a campaign advantage. The fact that roughly half of Americans receive some government payment to which they feel morally entitled is a big part of our budget problem. It's an inconvenient fact, but it's still a fact.
Dealing with it ought to define the next president's mission. Somehow, he must question the status quo without insulting the roughly 150 million Americans who receive federal benefits. Who deserves support and why? How much and under what conditions? Unless we ask these questions and find grounds for trimming some benefits, the budget impasse will continue and risk dangerous outcomes: a future financial crisis; crushing tax increases; or draconian cuts in programs (defense, research, highways) that aren't payments to individuals.

This is arithmetic, as Bill Clinton might say. In 2011, payments to individuals were 65 percent of federal spending, up from 26 percent in 1960. America has created a welfare state, whether or not Americans admit it.
Actually, the share of people who receive federal benefits exceeds Romney's 47 percent. Based on its Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), the Census Bureau estimates that in mid-2011 – the latest available figures – the number of people with benefits came to 149.8 million, or 49 percent of the population. But this figure is too low, because SIPP doesn't include several major programs (farm subsidies and college loans and grants). With these, the total probably exceeds 50 percent.
The big programs are well-known. In 2011, Social Security had 49.6 million recipients and Medicare 45.6 million, most of them overlapping. There were 5.2 million Americans with unemployment compensation and 3.2 million with veterans' benefits.
An estimated 107.2 million people received "means-tested" benefits available to those with low incomes. Medicaid had 80.5 million beneficiaries, food stamps 48.3 million and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) 23.1 million. Among households with means-tested benefits, almost a third received three or more.
President Obama hasn't controlled this spending or opened a debate about which benefits might – in the national interest – be curbed. His reluctance reflects conventional wisdom that questioning benefits is a political loser because it arouses the fears of millions of potential voters. But Obama's expediency leaves Romney an opening, albeit a high-risk one. He could seize the moral high ground by posing the hard questions necessary for a future that does not penalize economic growth or overburden today's young with taxes or debt.
This is an opportunity that Romney seems unwilling or unable to take, his brief engagement with Medicare aside. After the video's release, he might have apologized for his clumsy language, while still urging voters to find a better balance between America's past promises and future prospects. But he seems to lack the rhetorical skills to convince people why a rigid defense of the welfare state – effectively, Obama's position – threatens the welfare of today's young and tomorrow's children.
Instead, Romney's 47 percent comment implies that anyone who receives a federal benefit is a deadbeat. We're talking about half the population! One test of presidential competence is the capacity to persuade people that what's good for the country is ultimately good for them, even if it involves short-term sacrifice. On the campaign trail, Romney is failing that test.
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