Jedes Schulkind weiss: Je dicker die Mauer eines Hauses ist, desto weniger muss man heizen.
Andersherum: Durchdringt Sonnenlicht die Atmosphäre und heizt den Ozean, dann wird er umso wärmer je dicker die Atmosphäre ist. Deshalb ist es auf der Oberfläche des Planeten Venus so heiss. Es ist unerheblich, ob die Atmosphäre aus CO2, H2O, CH4 oder N2 und O2 besteht. Der Einfluss der Rückstrahlung der Spurengase ist minimal. Ich habe das gemessen.
Jedes Schulkind weiss: Ein dicker Pullover wärmt mehr als ein dünner. Egal, welche Farbe er hat.
Wer erklärt das bitte dem Nobelpreiskommitee, dem IPCC, Al Gore, der D"F"G, der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, dem B"M"BF … ? Stern, Spiegel, Focus ? ARD ud ZDF ? Lehrern und Hochschullehrern ?
Mit diesem einfachen Experiment, das jede Schulklasse im Unterricht aufbauen und mein Ergebnis überprüfen kann, widerlege ich das jahrzehntelang von Staat und Medien erzählte Gruselmärchen einer vom Menschen verursachten Klimakatastrophe:
Danke für Ihrer Interesse.
Meine Kontonummer: 1674805345 / Schottlaender
BLZ 10050000
Keine Religion der Menschheitsgeschichte war so erfolgreich wie der Klimaismus.
Jesus und Mohamed brauchten Jahrhunderte, bis eine Milliarde Menschen zum Himmel oder Richtung Mekka beteten.
Es dauerte keine 30 Jahre, bis fast die ganze Welt glaubte, das lebensspendende Nutzgas CO2 sei nun auf einmal ein Schadstoff und Klimakiller, der Teufel in Gasgestalt und was sonst noch alles an Horrormärchen – bar jeder wissenschaftlichen Grundlage – auf die Menschheit niederregnete.
Der erste Artikel, den ich hier auf diesem blog am 14.1.2011 veröffentlichte, hatte deshalb ursprünglich den Titel EINE NEUE WELTRELIGION.
Hier der link:
Sie werden beim Studieren des subblogs CO2/Energie weitere Experimente finden und viel lernen.
Dear Mr. President Obama, Secretary Chu, Lee Hamilton, BRC and DOE:
I have proved with an experiment that global warming – caused by CO2 –
is much smaller than the scientific community believes.
And no threat for mankind.
Even if we would burn in this 21st century all resources of coal and oil
– about 1000 Gigatons C, maybe more – temperature would increase only
by less than 1 (one) degree Celsius.
I am not a dreamer believing that just a little EMail like this
can compete with the wrong nobel prizes for Al Gore and IPCC.
Who are telling the public that CO2 is a threat.
The debate in the last 20 years has influenced your
thoughts and decisions – but all based on a wrong first assumption:
Kondratjew and Moskalenko have published in the 80´s
that earth surface temperature would be 33 degree lower
without the greenhouse gases H20, CO2, CH4, NOx and O3.
Vice versa:
Increasing of the CO2 content of our atmosphere would increase
earth surface temperature dramatically.
In numbers:
The scientific community believes that increasing todays
380 ppm pCO2 to 760 ppm would increase temperature by 5 – 8 degree.
– it can be reproduced everywhere from everybody –
shows that this is not true.
from: :
"I ask you to deprive the Nobel Prize for the IPCC and Al Gore.
I ask also to take a look on the Foto-Wood-Schottlaender-Experiment attached here.
This experiment shows that even if mankind burns all oil, gas and coal
temperature increases less than a half degree Celcius.
Prof. Wood in the year 1909 and I, Rainer Schottlaender in the
year 2009, have proved with this experiment described here
that the common theory of a greenhouse is wrong.
Consequently all predictions of the IPCC are wrong."
I put now for you the description – written in german language –
of the experiment into the GOOGLE TRANSLATER :
"Now comes the crucial idea that has motivated me for this experiment and this email:
Wafer-thin polyethylene film, household foil, only 0.01 mm thick, are transparent to infrared radiation.
I was wondering:
Is that what ever all claim, namely that the greenhouse effect by reflection – sorry Google, I mean: re-radiation –
and thus the trace gases come about?
My experiment disproves that – in the truest sense of the word – is crystal clear.
Although the walls of the imaged
"TEN-MT- I mean: this ten mikrometer thin foil -FILM GREENHOUSE"
infrared heat radiation to pass through unhindered, it generates heat when illuminated by the light (simulating the sun) almost identical to the identical aquarium glass.
************************************************** ********
It follows that it is not the re-radiation that causes the greenhouse effect, but the obstruction of convection.
************************************************** ********
The complete physical theory been taught this is wrong.
Probably it is true that in the atmosphere, but also in Venus, Mars and Titan, the temperature profile through the – is described adiabatic / feuchtadiabatische approximation of the trace gases play no role – in itself Meteorologists have long known:
dT / dH = – g / Cp
It follows that the human impact on our climate is much lower than previously thought.
Regarding the costs, consequences, and many other good ideas and reasons, I refer to my summary of work "37-theses-for-CO2″.
Schottlaender Rainer, Dipl.-Phys. 12587 Berlin, on 2 March 2009.
As the latest evidence that the wrong scientific
Advice to government and media by the generally accepted
Institutions like MPG, DFG, IPCC, DMG, BMU, DFG, BMBW
to the Nobel awards ceremony cheerfully continues, the following links:
"The greenhouse effect is a natural property of the atmosphere surrounding the earth …"
(Up to this point correctly)
"Without the natural greenhouse gases (H2O, CO2, CH4, O3, N2O) would be the average surface temperature of only -18 ° C, instead of the actual 15 ° C."
This is wrong.
Not these five trace gases produce the 33-degree effect but simply the mass of the atmosphere.
formulated somewhat unscientific, but simple and clear:
If the shirt you wear just warming up,
it is not because of his color but the fabric.
The Max Planck Society spread on your site
"2 The greenhouse effect In a world with no atmosphere, the surface temperature would be only by the balance between
incident solar energy and emitted heat radiation from the ground set. At the same albedo of the planet as it is today, amounts to the global average surface temperature about 18 ° C would. "
Up to this point just about right.
"Even an atmosphere of pure oxygen and nitrogen, so the
Main components of our atmosphere (about 99%) form, would
not change this essential. "
This is wrong.
Decisively wrong.
For on this assumption based all conclusions, forecasts and hasty legislation passed."
Ten years ago I have tried to find out in another series of experiments
how much of the man made CO2 dissolves in the oceans.
The 500 grams water you see here on this foto
simulate the 1,3 x 10^21 liters in the oceans.
You see me with a 800 dollar CO2-measuring device.
CO2 is injected into the 1500 cm^3 air with a syringe.
It seems that not only 50 % – as IPCC says – but 60-80 % of man made CO2 dissolves from alone in the oceans in a slow process with a time constant of about ten years.
In a third series of experiments I have proved that even 780 ppms are no threat
for algaes, corals and the live in the oceans.
This would decrease oceans pH value from todays 8,4 only to about 8,35.
The whole debate of the last 20 years was not a scientific one.
More a mix of a religion, politics and infotainment.
Ach, ist doch egal. Der Klimawandel hat gefälligst an ALLEM Schuld! Neuerdings sogar an dem Bürgerkrieg in Syrien:
I am really glad to read this website posts which consists of lots of
useful facts, thanks for providing such information.
Dieselben "Wissenschaftler" deren "Rat" uns ruiniert
wollen demnach zweimal Geld für ihre "Forschung" …
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Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. August 2013 um 10:29 Uhr
An: ""
Von: Philipp
Betreff: Pause beim Klimawandel: Kühler Pazifik bremst globale Erwärmung – SPIEGEL ONLINE
Der Klimawandel stockt, die Luft hat sich seit 15 Jahren nicht mehr erwärmt. Jetzt legen Wissenschaftler eine Lösung des Rätsels vor: Der Pazifik kühlt die Welt. Doch wichtige Fragen bleiben offen.
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