Eine neuentdecktes, m-i-l-l-i-o-n-e-n-jahresicheres Endlager für Atommüll:
Heute nacht veröffentlicht auf www.brc.gov
I keep on thinking about the best way how to drill a 20 kilometer deep hole….
….into hot liquid magma. Down to the Moho. This was never tried before.
Some easy observations first:
1. Today I worked in my garden and took a ceramic vase which was there for many years in sun and rain.
It broke in parts – just touching it.
2. A few days ago I was surprised to see that a 3 mm thick piece of steel has hold the weight pressure of my terrace roof. ………..but only for a few years.
3. A week ago I have received from China a 220 grams heavy piece of tungsten, melting point 3400 C. I dont think that this piece here in my hand can withstand/resist a pressure of about 6000 bars in 20 km depth.
Now I return to the first of my about 40 EMails about my project published here:
https://brc.gov/comments_March10.html (NEW WEBSITE ! CLICK www.brc.gov click LIBRARY click COMMENTS)
03/24/2010 Rainer Schottlaender [rainer.schottlaender@web.de]
Urgent message for the Blue Ribbon Commission Meeting March 25/26, 2010 :
Granite and basalt of 100 Celsius has about the same stability as a stone with room temperatue.
If I drill a hole in a stone it keeps stable for thousands of years.
Switzerland has a lot of experience how to drill a big long tunnel.
I guess these people here, too:
The Institute for Geotechnical Engineering (IGT) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology is structured according to our Organigram and consists of four research groups:
Prof. Sarah Springman
Prof. Georgios Anagnostou
Tunneling and Rock Engineering
Prof. Alexander Puzrin
Dr. Michael Plötze
Geo-Environmental Engineering and Clay
Tunnel walls – 1 km deep in the alpes – have to resist a pressure of about 300 bars.
Imagine a 20 km deep hole, 2 meter diameter:
What happenes if we just cool constantly, year by year,
the hot walls of this hole with steam ?
I take again a look into your WHAT WE HAVE HEARD REPORT:
— The use of deep boreholes to dispose of
waste packages has been raised by several
commenters as a promising option that
bears further investigation.
— Other disposal options that have been
brought to the Commission's attention
include the placement of wastes on
uninhabited or man-made islands, or in
magma chambers.
Keep in mind:
My idea is NOT to dispose the waste in a deep borehole or in a magma chamber.
MY IDEA IS to reach the MoHo.
So that a barrel with nuclear waste can start to sink down under it´s own weight towards Earth's center.
Where it is safe for millions of years.
Copyright: Rainer Schottlaender, Dipl.-Phys.
Jastrower Weg 17, 12587 Berlin/Germany
Weitere Informationen hier:
Thank you Mary.
Have you understood the VERY SURPRISING and VERY IMPORTANT result ?
If my calculation is correct ……. ?!?
It would mean that USA could manufacture its complete energy supply, cars, heating, industry
just with a few hundred very deep boreholes.
My 44 kW/m means 440 MW/ 10 km
USA´s about 100 nuclear power plants have about 100 GW-el = about 300 GW-th
This could be manufactured from 700 DEEP HOLES…if my idea is feasible.
I have here on my desk a piece of granite
My next question is:
Is 1 meter granite wall thickness enough to resist 6000 bars ?
By the way – I have just earned my last 500 dollars here in Berlin by drilling
a (by far smaller) borehole.
Von: "mary.woollen@blueribboncommission.net"
Gesendet: 12.04.2011 16:55:47
An: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Betreff: RE: Good morning Mary, John , Lee, Tim and BRC
Hello Rainer,
Yes, we will publish this letter to our comments page and apologize that some were late being posted.
Thank you for your thoughts,
From: Rainer Schottlaender [mailto:rainer.schottlaender@web.de]
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 6:42 AM
To: CommissionDFO@Nuclear.Energy.Gov
Cc: correspondence@blueribboncommission.net
Subject: Good morning Mary, John , Lee, Tim and BRC
Please publish my foregoing EMail, titeled
How I drill a 20 kilometer deep hole ? ….. + correction
"Rainer Schottlaender"
12.04.11 13:55:24
Best regards and Copyright today, April 12, 2011:
"The Kola Superdeep Borehole (Russian: Кольская сверхглубокая скважина) is the result of a scientific drilling project of the former USSR. The project attempted to drill as deep as possible into the Earth's crust. Drilling began on 24 May 1970 on the Kola Peninsula, using the Uralmash-4E, and later the Uralmash-15000 series drilling rig. A number of boreholes were drilled by branching from a central hole. The deepest, SG-3, reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) in 1989, and is the deepest hole ever drilled, and the deepest artificial point on the earth
The United States had embarked on a similar project in 1957, dubbed Project Mohole, which was intended to penetrate the shallow crust under the Pacific Ocean off Mexico. However, after some initial drilling, the project was abandoned in 1966 due to lack of funding."
LACK OF ATTENTION is what I have got from you, BRC and you, DOE in the last year.
Today, by chance the 50th anniversary of Jury Gagarins first step into space, I hope that I get now your full attention.
Please show me this by sending an EMail.
Todays well known drilling technology has to be improved in order to drill deeper, especially into hot liquid magma.
Earth cross-section showing location of the Mohorovičić discontinuity
The deeper the drilling the more time, money and effort is needed to change the tools.
From this reason I have already in my very first EMail to BRC described an
"Elevator-Bore-Head" (invented: March-15-2010)
Rainer Schottlaender [rainer.schottlaender@web.de]
Urgent message for the Blue Ribbon Commission Meeting March 25/26, 2010
This EMail here is to put in writing and to documentate my next little step towards the challenging goal
to install a Disposal Pipe for nuclear waste:
Imagine a 20.000 meter deep hole – 2 meter diameter:
I look on the last 10 meters 19.990 to 20.000 :
l 1 m l l l 19.990
l l l l 19.991
l l l l
. . 400 Kelvin . . 1400 Kelvin
. . . granite.
l l l l
l l l l 20.000 meter
In this depth is a pressure of about 6000 bars.
To resist this pressure the D-Pipe needs thick walls.
I have already looked into steel, ceramics, molybdenum and tungsten.
The easy, best and cheapest way would be to use the granite itself as a wall.
Is this feasible ?
Please improve this first rough estimation:
Granite :
thermal conductivity 2,8 Watt / (meter x Kelvin)
specific heat capacity 0,8 Joule / (gram x Kelvin ) = 2,1 J / ( cm^3 x K )
Depending on the amount of water/steam used for cooling
the hot liquid magma solidifies to hard stable granite.
For this first estimation I assume here 1 meter (see drawing).
The amount of water/steam needed I calculate later.
How big is the heat flow ? :
The area of the inner wall/cylinder is 10 m x 3,14 x 2 m = 62,8 m^2
The area of the outer wall/cylinder is 10 m x 3,14 x 4 m = 251,2 m^2
The average area is 157 m^2
Heat flow, approximately:
2,8 W/mK x 1000 K x 157 m^2 / 1 m = 439.600 Watt
How much time it needs to cool down the granite from 1400 K to 400 K ?
The volume of this "hard cylinder" is 3,14 x ( ( 2 m )^2 – ( 1 m )^2 ) ) x 10 m = 94,2 m^3
The amount of energy needed to cool down these 94,2 m^3 to the average wall temperature is
( 2,1 J / ( cm^3 x K ) ) x ( ( 1400 K + 400 K ) / 2 ) x 94,2 m^3
= ( 2,1 Ws / ( cm^3 x K ) ) x 900 K x 9,42 x 10^7 cm^3
= 1,78 x 10^11 Joules = Ws
So the time needed is about
1,78 x 10^11 Ws / 439.600 W = 4 x 10^5 s = 111 hours = about 5 days
So we would need for drilling of the last "hot" kilometers 500 days/ km
6 years for 4 kilometers.
This job needs patience.
This borehole is a geothermal power plant, too.
Makes it more or less money than it costs ? :
I am curious about the result of this next estimation.
I …. in a few minutes I know it.
And you …. in a few seconds…. reading this:
How much steam comes out off this borehole ?
To heat up 1 kg water to 100 C, to evaporate it and to heat up this steam to 400 Kelvin needs about
( (4186 J/kgK x 100 K ) + 2260 kJ/kg + 4186 J/kgK x (400 K – 373 K ) ) x 1 kg =
about 2,8 MJ = 2.800.000 Ws = 0,8 kWh
So the heat flow of 438.600 Watt produces in one second 0,4386 / 2,8 = 0,15 kg steam
Each 10 meters.
So 4 kilometers hot borehole would manufacture 60 kg steam/second.
The today market value/price of 60 kg hot steam = 48 kWh-th is about 2 dollars, assuming 4 US-cents/kWh-th.
So in one year this borehore would make 62.000,000 dollars.
About 1 billion dollars in 16 years.
I am surprised.
Much more than I have thought.
Finally for today I try to find out how fast the steam erupts from this borehole:
Assuming about 0,6 m^3 volume for 1 kg steam = H2O of 400 K
(air has 1,3 kg/ m^3 at 273 K, air mol weight 29, H2O mol weight 18 , 1,3 kg/m^3 x ( 18 / 29 ) x 273/400 = 0,56)
I learn that 60 kg/s = about 100 m^3/s steam leave constanly this 2 meter diameter = 3,14 m^2 borehole.
This steam has a speed of 32 m/s.
Published on http://www.schottie.de this morning
I have found my mistake
I have forgotten that the slow process of solidification of the magma – surrounding
the VERY DEEP BOREHOLE – will not stop after a few meters.
If there is no heat transport by convection the "cooling front" will propagate.
Until there is an equilibrium with the natural geothermal heat upstream
of about 70 kW/km^2.
What happenes in reality is that the steam just cools out the surrounding granite
meter by meter.
This slows down the efficiency day by day, week by week and year by year.
It was a nice one-day-dream to use this borehole as a power plant.
Imagine a granite "stalagtite", some thousands meters long:
The thicker the wall of this long "straw" which "swims" in the magma
– the more stable it is.
Against the pressure of about 6000 bars.
And against the mechanic stress of an assumed magma speed of 1 cm/year …. 10 cm/year.
The magma upstream drives the continental drift of about 100 kilometers in one million years.
Vice versa:
If a barrel with rad-waste sinks down under its own weight to 100 km
it needs 1 million years until it comes up.
Not into the biosphere.
Up to minus 20 km or so.
Where it is still safe.
published on http://www.schottie.de this morning
please publish this EMail on http://www.brc.gov
I have discussed this with my friend Thomas.
He argues:
The borehole might work as a power plant if we
take off the energy not constantly but periodically.
3 meter wall thickness – steam off – 1 m – steam on – 3 m – steam off –
1 m – steam on -3 m – steam off … and so on…
I just write this down here for the moment and keep on thinking.
Betreff: Good morning USA
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
An: CommissionDFO@Nuclear.Energy.Gov
Cc: correspondence@blueribboncommission.net
Bcc: mary.woollen@blueribboncommission.net
Datum: 16.04.11 09:24:12
I have needed one day to digest the result of my next estimation:
Some METERS wall thickness needed…
…to resist the magma pressure in 20 km depth ?
The old Chinese have build a monument this thick – thousands km long.
Maybe China is the country I should contact…
…if I don´t get your support and attention.
Do they already know my idea ?
Google Analytics tells me about my website http://www.schottie.de :
Aus diesem Land/Gebiet (from this country)
kamen 4 Besuche über 1 Städte (came 4 readers from 1 city):
Die Anzahl der Besuche auf Ihrer Website.
% der Website insgesamt: 0,53 %
Die durchschnittlich bei einem Zugriff auf Ihre Website aufgerufene Anzahl von Seiten. Wiederholte Zugriffe auf eine Seite werden gezählt.
Website-Durchschnitt: 2,97 (-32,56 %)
Durchschn. Besuchszeit auf der Website
Die durchschnittliche Verweildauer auf Ihrer Website
Durchschn. Besuchszeit auf der Website
……………………………………13 minutes 45 seconds
Now I look what I learn from Google Analytics about USA :
Durchschn. Besuchszeit auf der Website
Website-Durchschnitt: 00:05:17 (-100,00 %)
No attention.
—–Ursprüngliche Nachricht—–
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 15.04.2011 09:47:59
An: tim.frazier@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: Tim Frazier, Mary Woollen, John Kotek, Lee Hamilton , BRC
Thank you for publishing my latest EMail titeled "I have found my mistake"
The spontanous idea of my friend Thomas how to solve this geothermal-power-plant-problem
reminds me to the idea for the word KEYHOLE-EXPERIMENT,
generated during John Koteks first call.
You see – communication makes sense.
Why you slow down ?
There are many questions to answer.
And new ideas to find.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 14.04.2011 22:14:21
An: thomas
Betreff: Hallo Miterfinder Thomas
Es müsste gehen – so wie Du es gesagt hast.
Man besprüht die heisse Wand des tiefen Schachtes.
x Tage lang.
Bis zum Beispiel die ersten 3 m Magma zu Granit erstarren.
Dann beendet man das Sprühen und wartet.
Bis die Wand wieder aufschmilzt.
x ? Tage lang.
Bei einem Meter Wanddicke beginnt der Zyklus von neuem.
Ein "Ruhetakt" wie in einer Dampfmaschine und einem Motor.
Dieser Brief hier unten wurde heute veröffentlicht:
I have just learned that the heat conductivity of KIESELGLAS is at 2000 C is about 11 times bigger than at 20 C :
Wärmeleitfähigkeit https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarzglas
20 °C……………………..1,38 W/(m*K)
2000 °C ……………….15 W/(m*K)
In order to drill into magma we have to solidify the walls of the borehole.
The faster the better.
The process is slow enough – as everybody knows :
A coal oven with thick walls needs hours until these walls get warm and heat the room.
I have found KIESELGLAS – glass made from SiO2 – looking deeper into granite here : https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granit
…learning that QUARZ – SiO2 – is the highest melting part of granite.
Auszugweise aus dem ten Bosch, Kapitel "Dickwandige Zylinder unter Druck"
(Thick cylinders under pressure):
Nur Innendruck:
sigma_t(r) = p * r_i^2 / ( r_a^2 – r_i^2 ) * ( 1 + r_a^2 / r^2 )
Nur Außendruck:
sigma_t(r) = – p * r_a^2 / ( r_a^2 – r_i^2 ) * ( 1 + r_i^2 / r^2 )
60-083-*1/4" H/P6.42.160,000 PSI (4140 bar)
….I learn that a this 4140 bar high pressure tube has a wall thickness of about it´s inner diameter
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granite :
By definition[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAPF_diagram], granite is an igneous rock with at least 20% quartz[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz] by volume. Granite differs from granodiorite[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granodiorite] in that at least 35% of the feldspar[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feldspar] in granite is alkali feldspar[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkali_feldspar] as opposed to plagioclase[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagioclase]; it is the alkali feldspar that gives many granites a distinctive pink color. Outcrops[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outcrop] of granite tend to form tors[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_%28geography%29] and rounded massifs[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massif]. Granites sometimes occur in circular depressions[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_%28geology%29] surrounded by a range of hills, formed by the metamorphic aureole[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metamorphic_aureole] or hornfels[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hornfels]. Granite is usually found in the continental plates of the Earth's crust.
Granite is nearly always massive (lacking internal structures), hard and tough, and therefore it has gained widespread use as a construction stone. The average density[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Density] of granite is between 2.65[1][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granite#cite_note-0] and 2.75 g/cm3, its compressive strength usually lies above 200 MPa, and its viscosity[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viscosity] at standard temperature and pressure is 3-6 • 1019 Pa·s.[2][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granite#cite_note-1]
Next question:
How depends the COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH on temperature ?:
….Maybe hard to find because of the different types of granite existing in nature.
To be faster I try this with QUARTZ
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fused_quartz :
Tensile strength[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensile_strength]: 48.3 MPa[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megapascal]Compressive strength[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressive_strength]: >1.1 GPa[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigapascal]…These 1.100 MPa are much bigger than the 200 MPa above
…Either the QUARTZ is the hard part of granite….
…or fusing/melting increases stability – sounds strange –
…how the granite was formed ?….
…differential cristallisation because of cooling….
Fused quartz is manufactured by melting naturally occurring quartz[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz] crystals of high purity at approximately 2000 °C
Fused quartz can also form naturally. The naturally occurring form is a metamorphic rock[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metamorphic_rock] known as quartzite[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartzite]. An increase in heat causes the crystals within the quartz to become fused together.
Thermal conductivity[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_conductivity]: 1.3 W/(m·K)Specific heat capacity[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_heat_capacity]: 45.3 J/(mol·K)Softening point[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Softening_point]: c. 1665 °C
….No info about the temperature dependence of the compressive strength yet
But here:
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1982, 19:307-319, 10.1139/t82-037
A laboratory program to study the effects of temperature up to 350 °C on the strength and deformation properties of rocks was carried out. Particular attention was paid to the experimental procedure to avoid premature thermal cracking of the specimens. It was shown that the thermal–mechanical behaviour varies with the rock type. For granitic gneiss, the deformation modulus increases slightly with temperature up to 120 °C, then decreases at a rate of about 25% per 100 °C. Poisson's ratio generally decreases with increasing temperature up to 250 °C. The uniaxial compressive strength of granitic gneiss decreases with increasing temperature at a rate of the order of 30 MPa per 100 °C.
"compressive strength of granite depending on temperature"
…and find A LOT:
…again China…I think…and keep on looking… :
On page 77…. I find the minimum compressive strength
630 MPa at 600 Celsius.
This is much more than the other sources say.
https://dkoverseas.com/products/Granite.aspx :
Compressive Strength:1800 to 2100 Kg/cm2
These 1800…2100 kg/cm^2 = 18…21 kg/mm^2 = 180…210 N/mm^2 = 200 MPa !?
These 200 MPa will decrease with temperature
BUT …" ..with a rate of about 30 MPa per 100 C" ??????
This would mean that 700 C granite would have no stability … what is not true.
Has my 400-1400 K "frozen magma wall" – see drawing in the very end of this EMail –
with its average temperature of 900 K
has an average compressive strength of about 100…150 MPa…or maybe 600 MPa ?
In the moment I think that a 3 meter thick wall surrounding the 2 meter diameter borehole can resist 6000 bars
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 16.04.2011 09:24:12
An: CommissionDFO@Nuclear.Energy.Gov
Betreff: Good morning USA
I have needed one day to digest the result of my next estimation:
Some METERS wall thickness needed…
…to resist the magma pressure in 20 km depth ?
The old Chinese have build a monument this thick – thousands km long.
Maybe China is the country I should contact…
…if I don´t get your support and attention.
Do they already know my idea ?
Google Analytics tells me about my website http://www.schottie.de :
Aus diesem Land/Gebiet (from this country China)
kamen 4 Besuche über 1 Städte (came 4 readers from 1 city):
Die Anzahl der Besuche auf Ihrer Website.
% der Website insgesamt: 0,53 %
Die durchschnittlich bei einem Zugriff auf Ihre Website aufgerufene Anzahl von Seiten. Wiederholte Zugriffe auf eine Seite werden gezählt.
Website-Durchschnitt: 2,97 (-32,56 %)
Durchschn. Besuchszeit auf der Website
Die durchschnittliche Verweildauer auf Ihrer Website
Durchschn. Besuchszeit auf der Website
Website-Durchschnitt: 00:05:17 (160,12 %)
% Neue Besuche
Der prozentuale Anteil an erstmaligen Besuchen
% Neue Besuche
25,00 %
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Der prozentuale Anteil von Besuchen auf nur einer Seite, d. h. von Besuchen, bei denen die Personen Ihre Website bereits auf der Einstiegsseite wieder verlassen haben.
75,00 %
Website-Durchschnitt: 56,14 % (33,59 %)
……………………………………13 minutes 45 seconds
Now I look what I learn from Google Analytics
about http://www.schottie.de readers from USA :
Durchschn. Besuchszeit – time readers from USA visited my website:
No attention.
Published here: 04/18/2011 https://brc.gov/comments_April11.html
A new look on geothermal energy production
9 6 2 9 0 9 1 km^2
– 5 km 160 Celsius
– 6 km 190 C
-15 km 460 C
-16 km 490 C
We cool the whole sheet – 5 km to – 6 km down to 100 C
These 9,63 x 10^6 km^3 x 1 J/(g*K) x (dT= 75 C ) x 3 g/cm^3
= approx. 2 x 10^24 Ws = 7 x 10^17 kWh-th = 700.000.000 TWh-th
For comparison: US yearly prime energy use about 25.000 TWh-th
Natural geothermal heat upstream 70 kW/km^2
mulitiplied with USA´s 9.629.091 km^2 ………………….. 0,674 Terawatts
x 8760 hours/year…………………………………………….. 5.904 TWh-th
So in this sheet is enough energy to supply the USA for 28.000 years.
In reality the problem is the price for deep boreholes.
We know enough about steam turbines and engines.
In order to use this energy more effort is needed to improve
manufacturing of very deep holes.
One little step towards this goal might be my invention ELEVATOR BOREHEAD
described in my first Email
03/24/2010 Rainer Schottlaender [rainer.schottlaender@web.de] Urgent message for the Blue Ribbon Commission Meeting March 25/26, 2010
Copyright: Rainer Schottlaender, Jastrower Weg 17, 12687 Berlin/Germany
https://brc.gov/comments_April11.html veröffentlichte gerade, etwas zu meiner Überraschung
—–Ursprüngliche Nachricht—–
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 21.04.2011 12:18:25
An: BRC@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: The price to pay for a very deep borehole
Nobody can tell me that it is "utopic", "impossible" or "not feasible"
to manufacture a 20 km or even 30 km deep hole.
The ancient Egytians have moved 2.500.000 cubic metres stones
to build the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pyramid_of_Giza
With their hands. Without a machine.
The ancient Chinese have build 8852 kilometers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Wall_of_China
With their hands. Only with a few tools.
If I summarize the last 15 month of my one way communication
with you – BRC – and you – DOE –
I get more and more the impression that not the USA but China will be the first
who will realize my great idea.
It is not a sign of your strength – it is a sign of your weakness that you do not react
on the many questions needed to be answered fast and powerful.
I just go on – with you or without you … but better with you.
Next question:
How I minimize the production price of a very deep borehole ?
Before I again go into technical details I consider today´s world:
Europe ? USA ?
China ! India ! …..seems to be the answer.
Well, convince me that I shouldn´t contact India – working on new thorium reactors –
and China – who have the same nuclear waste disposal problem as the USA.
It is a wonderful sunny day here in Berlin/Germany.
The best I can do in this next hour of my life is to bike, to run and to swim a bit
to have fun and to be fit for my day, my future and this challenging job.
That´s better than to send you for free another EMail without resonance and attention.
Show me how fast you learn and react, BRC and DOE
How I drill 20.000 meters through hot granite down to the Moho ?:
I have watched on TV a tunnel drilling for the subway in Stockholm/Sweden.
State of the art is for instance the BOOMER XE3, technical details here:
For my project to install a DISPOSAL PIPE FOR USA´s NUCLEAR WASTE
this is not the way to go.
But I was interested how much explosives it needs:
About 1 kg nitropenta or so for 1 ton granite.
The price for explosives is about 1000 $/ton and not really an important price factor.
This machine f.i. drills for a 10 meter diameter subway tunnel
160 boreholes into the rock.
"6 meters in 2 minutes for one hole"….. 3 at a time as you can see in the drawing.
Even with water cooling I think this method "drill and blow up" cannot be used
on the last hot miles close to the Moho.
Imagine we are 19.000 meter deep and drill the next 6 meters.
The drilling water in the many little boreholes
might cool down these 6 meters in a few minutes or hours
– but not the slowly solidifying magma wall of the 2 meter D-Pipe borehole.
This is nessecary for the stability of the borehole
under the pressure of many thousand bars.
What I need is more knowledge about the viscosity of hot granite.
I use again my "how-I-find-fast-a-first-result-method"
and ask the internet not for granite but for glass:
Which is comparable and much more researched.
I learn here
1. The viscosity of glass is about 10^18 Pa*s at room temperature
and 10 Pa*s at the highest temperatures used in the industry
2. The temperature dependence of the viscosity for Alumosilikatglas is at
T = 665 Celsius ……… 10^13,6 Pa*s
T = 715 C …………….. 10^12 Pa*s
T = 940 C …………….. 10^6,6 Pa*s
T = 1200 C …………….. 10^3 Pa*s
eta = eta0 x exp ( const / ( T-T0 ) )
Show me how fast you learn and react, BRC and DOE.
Happy Easter !
Published https://brc.gov/comments_April11.html
Skurrile story über die Kola-Bohrung:
Bertha Rogers
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The GHK Co. 1–27 Bertha Rogers hole or well was an oil-exploratory hole drilled in Washita County, Oklahoma, and was formerly the world's deepest hole until surpassed by the Kola Superdeep Borehole, dug by the former USSR.
It took GHK two years to reach 31,441 feet (9,583 m), a depth of almost six miles. During drilling, the well encountered enormous pressure – almost 25,000 psi (172,369 kPa). No commercial hydrocarbons were found before drilling hit a molten sulfur deposit (which melted the drill bit), and the well was plugged and abandoned.[1]
Atommüll: USA überdenken Endlagerstrategie:
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 30.04.2011 09:04:51
An: CommissionDFO@Nuclear.Energy.Gov
Betreff: Good morning Mary, Ernest, John, Lee, Tim, BRC, Dr. Steven Chu and DOE
Please forward this EMail to ERNEST MONIZ.
It is a wonderful sunny morning here in Berlin and I start my day
answering a reader of my blog who has send me your work:
Dear Mr. Moniz:
I agree with the result of your MIT publication, cited here :
I am sure that your https://brc.gov/Transportation-Storage_Subcommittee.html
and your https://brc.gov/RFCT_Subcommittee.html
has discussed how and where the U.S. will temporarily store their nuclear waste
in the next few decades.
You see here
—– Original Message —–
From: Rainer Schottlaender
To: Sean Singer ; Lee.Hamilton@nnsa.doe.gov ; lee.hamilton@wilsoncenter.org ; oecc@who.eop.gov ; acarnesale@ucla.edu ;
ei@eisenhowerinstitute.org ; seisenhower@eisenhowerinstitute.org ; amacfarl@gmu.edu ; ejmoniz@mit.edu ;
Peterson@nuc.berkeley.edu ; kromm@rff.org ; The.Secretary@hq.doe.gov ; president@messages.whitehouse.gov ;
David@Arendale.org ; Lauren.Joyce@nuclear.energy.gov ; john.rowe@exeloncorp.com ; brc@nuclear.energy.gov
Cc: H.Forsstrom@iaea.org ; W.Burkart@iaea.org ; D.Louvat@iaea.org ; Y.Sokolov@iaea.org ; H.Ratcliffe@iaea.org ;
A.Kamara@iaea.org ; Y.Amano@iaea.org ; I.Chatzis@iaea.org
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:43 PM
Subject: update March 20 for the Blue Ribbon Commission Meeting March 25/26, 2010
that you should have received my very first Mail to BRC.
I try not to loose my sense of humor supporting your result with this comment:
If the things move as slowly as I have experienced in the last year
– during my one-way-communication with you and BRC –
than USA will need for sure 100 years….
Back to the facts:
50 years worldwide discussions have shown that there seems to be no solution in the hard lithosphere which is accepted from the people of your country.
Space disposal solutions are not realistic because of the rocket explosion risk
and because of the price for thousands of disposal rockets..
My idea is to dispose the nuclear waste
Please study my workplan.
Please let me know that you have heard this message, Mr. Moniz.
This is for publication on http://www.brc.gov
Just published on https://www.schottie.de/?p=1736#comment-157
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 08.05.2011 16:09:31
An: Tim.Frazier@hq.doe.gov
Betreff: The many NO-Mails published on http://www.brc.gov
Just looking at the May comments https://brc.gov/comments_May11.html through today
– I repeat Brians Ò´Connells words to improve my english –
I learn again that nobody reads my messages.
Thats strange …because on my blog
the article
Disposal Pipe for Nation´s nuclear waste
is reader´s favorite…
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 2:40:36 PM
Subject: Repetitious Comments
Just looking at the May comments through today May 5, there seems to be numerous comments on the same subject
and some from the same individuals. I suppose that is their right but it seems to clog up (…verstopfen) the works.
The repeated subject is the concerns/objections over shipping nuclear waste over Western North Carolina roads. The
authors of those comments may not be aware that the Blue Ribbon Commission has made quite clear, based on
guidance from the Secretary of Energy(who appointed the Commission,) that the Commission is "not a siting board,"
which most of those who are following the Commission's work closely consider as clear sign that the Commission will
not be recommending specific sites for nuclear waste storage, disposal or any other facility. Therefore, we should not
expect the Commission to have a basis to designate shipment routes to take or avoid.
Conclusion: this is not the time or the organization to raise objections to transporting waste over any specific roads or
Brian O'Connell P.E.
Nuclear Waste Program Office
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
1101 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 898-2215 fax (202) 384-1551
Dedicated to Public Service
Sie, Herr Brüderle, haben meine Frage …
… bisher nicht beantwortet.
Ich stelle dieselbe Frage seinem Nachfolger, rechne mit keiner Antwort und stelle diese EMail hier
auf meinen blog, damit sich meine Leserinnen und Leser eine eigene Meinung bilden können.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 27.12.2010 14:08:06
An: ministerbuero@bmwi.bund.de
Betreff: Chronik 5609… an den BMWi Rainer Brüderle und Staatssekretär Jochen Homann
Sie als besonders staatsnahe Person werden niemals zugeben, dass Ihre geliebte Bundes"republik" pleite ist.
300 Milliarden Bundes"haushalt" bei 1700 Mrd Bundesschuld plus 500 in ein nicht rechtsfähiges Sonder"vermögen" bilanzgefälschte FM"St"G-Milliarden beweisen das jedoch hinreichend.
Ich kenne keine ordentliche, redliche Firma in Deutschland, die 7 JahresUMSÄTZE Schulden überlebt.
Das schafft zur Zeit noch nur Ihr Pleiteverein,
der sich Staat nennt.
Ich habe 5608 (in Worten: fünftausendsechshundertundacht) Chroniken des – längst stattgefundenen – Staatsbankrotts verfasst.
Mein zweites Arbeitsgebiet ist CO2/Energie.
Das was Sie hierzu "Arbeit" Ihres "Ministeriums" nennen entbehrt jeder wissenschaftlichen und ökonomischen Grundlage.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 26.12.2010 18:40:08
An: ministerbuero@bmwi.bund.de
Betreff: CDS 5608… an den BMWi Rainer Brüderle und Staatssekretär Jochen Homann
Sie, Herr Brüderle, haben meine Frage …
… bisher nicht beantwortet.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 08.12.2010 16:10:27
An: birthe.wagner@bmwi.bund.de
Betreff: FW: an den BMWi Rainer Brüderle und Staatssekretär Jochen Homann
Ich bestätige hiermit den Anruf von Frau Birthe Wagner aus dem BMWi (tel -7380)
Frau Wagner hat untenstehende EMail gelesen.
Wir einigten uns, dass diese EMail vom BMWi zum Beispiel an die (K)FA Jülich weitergeleitet wird und ich eine Kopie dieser Mail bekomme, damit ich sehe wer sie hat und bewertet.
Mit Frau Dr. Rother von der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der (K)FA Jülich hatte ich bezüglich Punkt 2 (Thorium) Kontakt.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 03.11.2010 12:55:16
An: ministerbuero@bmwi.bund.de
Betreff: an den BMWi Rainer Brüderle und Staatssekretär Jochen Homann
Sehr geehrter Herr Minister :
Ich interessiere mich seit Ende meines Physikstudiums 1976 – siehe http://www.schottlaender.de – sehr für das Thema Energie.
Ich stelle Ihnen hier heute drei meiner besten und förderungswürdigsten Ergebnisse vor.
1. Ich habe das Endlagerproblem für Atom-Müll gelöst.
2. Meine Patentanmeldung/Verbesserung des in Deutschland entwickelten AVR/THTR macht Sinn.
Auch für Sie könnte neu sein, dass es in der Erdkruste 500mal soviel Thoriumreserven gibt wie U235.
Im Gegensatz zum dem was Ihnen Ihre hochbezahlten Gutachter, Berater und "Experten" sagen, wird – nach Austräumen des Kindertraumes von den angeblich alternativen Energien – am Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts Deutschlands Energieversorgung auf Kohle, Kohlebenzin und Kernenergie aufbauen, aufgrund der Ressourcenlage vermutlich Thoriumreaktoren und/oder schnelle Brüter.
3. Noch weniger in den momentanen Zeitgeist passen meine 37 Thesen für das als Schadstoff diskriminierte lebensspendende Nutzgas CO2. Hierzu gibt es auch den Videomitschnitt/DVD meines 2-Stunden-Vortrages DAS MÄRCHEN VON DER KLIMAKATASTROPHE.
In meiner EMail an das Nobelpreiskommittee widerlegte ich mit dem WOOD-SCHOTTLAENDER-EXPERIMENT die herrschende Lehrmeinung von einer nennenswerten Erhöhung der bodennahen Lufttemperatur durch anthropogenes CO2.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 02.11.2010 11:54:47
An: Heiner.Bruhn@bmwi.bund.de
Betreff: Heiner Bruhn / Dr. Köster / Endlager / BMWi
Heute auf den Tag vor zwei Jahren hatte ich die entscheidende Idee an der ich seither forsche.
Bitte schauen Sie sich ganz in Ruhe zwei Minuten lang
dieses Video an:
Hier beginnt die Antwort auf die weltweit ungelöste Frage:
Wohin mit dem Atommüll ?
Wo und wie lagern wir sicher für 1 Million Jahre
zB die 155.000 Fässer aus Asse ?
Machen Sie jetzt bitte mit mir folgendes erstes, keineswegs utopisches Gedankenexperiment:
Ich spanne ein 200 Meter langes Stahlseil über diesen Lavasee.
Den es erstaunlicherweise – so wie sie ihn sehen –
seit über 60 Jahren gibt.
Unverändert ruhig vor sich hin blubbernd.
Unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit.
Hier auf meinem Schreibtisch liegt ein 5 Meter langer Draht aus Molybdän, den ich mir auf mein Risiko für 50 Euro gekauft habe. Er schmilzt erst bei 2400 Grad.
Die Lava, die Sie sehen, hat 1200 Grad.
Hier im Gedankenexperiment kaufe ich mir
eine Rolle mit 100 Kilometer Wolframdraht,
zB solchen aus den Glühlampen in Ihrem Haus.
Und eine Kugel – wie beim Kugelstossen im Sportunterricht – aus Stahl, Wolfram oder Molybdän.
Jetzt werfe ich diese Kugel an dem 100-km-Draht über das 200-m-Stahlseil.
Genau an der Stelle wo Sie die Gasblasen
hochblubbern sehen.
Überlegen Sie:
Seit Jahren und Jahrzehnten sind Milliarden Gasblasen aus dem Erdinnern hochgestiegen.
Meine These:
Sie haben einen einige Meter dicken senkrechten Kanal aufgeschmolzen.
Durch den wir – wie durch ein Schlüsselloch –
ins Innere der Erde "sehen" könnten.
Die Kugel plumpst in den See und sinkt.
Wie ein Stein, der in den Ozean geworfen wird.
Denn Stahl – zB die Fässer aus Asse – hat Dichte 8
und Lava Dichte 3.
Was wir machen wenn dieses erste entscheidende Experiment nicht gelingt kommt später.
Nehmen wir mal an es klappt und die Kugel sinkt und sinkt und sinkt bis der Wolframdraht zuende ist oder schmilzt.
In welcher Tiefe ?
Das weiss kein Mensch und schon deshalb ist das Experiment von grundsätzlichem wissenschaftlichem Interesse.
Bei positivem Resultat sollte und müsste man sofort eine Forschungsstation in der – mittags übrigens 60 Grad heissen, entlegenen und unwirtlichen Danakilwüste Äthiopiens einrichten.
Und jeden Tag zB Sonden in den See herablassen um die Temperatur in 10, 20 und 100 km Tiefe zu messen.
Das können die dem mörderischen Klima angepassten Einheimischen weit besser als Sie und ich.
Es gibt nur Theorien – kein Geologe dieser Welt weiss sicher in welcher Tiefe zB ein Fass aus Asse in einer zB 1 mm dicken Wolfram-Mülltüte schmilzt.
Nehmen wir an das Experiment funktioniert.
Dann könnte man für ein paar Millionen – zB aus der Portokasse von RWE,EON,EnBW oder Vattenfall –
eine zB 50 km lange Pipeline in den See stecken.
Äthiopien würde jubeln und für jedes Fass 1000 Euro kassieren.
Das würden sich die Nuklearmächte USA, Russland, China, Frankreich, England und seine volljährig gewordene ehemalige Kolonie Indien ein paar Jahre lang anschauen und dann sagen:
"Moment mal, für die paar Milliarden Dollar bohren wir uns unser eigenes Loch".
Wie das geht erfahren Sie später.
mfG Rainer Schottlaender, Dipl.-Phys.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 12.05.2011 12:57:28
An: brc@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: BRC´s meeting May 13, 2011
I read :
…a " purpose of the meeting is
…to review draft recommendations with the full Commission"
I ask the Co-chairs of the Reactor Technology and the Disposal Subcommittee:
Have you studied every single of my about 50 Emails published on http://www.brc.gov ?
I have received a few month ago from John Kotek two tel-calls.
We have discussed a little bit my idea/workplan to dispose Nation´s nuclear waste
some hundred kilometers deep in the earth magma.
John has watched the ERTA ALE VIDEO and we have invented the word KEYHOLE EXPERIMENT during these first conversations.
There where some unanswered questions.
Tim Frazier has send me your WHAT WE HAVE HEARD REPORT.
I read on page 15:
"Other disposal options that have been
brought to the Commission's attention
include the placement of wastes on
uninhabited or man-made islands, or in
magma chambers."
This is too short and not fully correct.
My idea is to bury the waste – safe for millions of years – deep in the earth magma.
NOT in a magma chamber close to surface and with a possible eruption risk.
I have got from Mrs. Mary Woollen some EMails telling me that BRC has noticed my ideas.
How it is possible that I have received from you not one single question ?
I ask you:
How can you publish in the next month an iterim report without asking ?
How can you decide about my idea without a serious discussion ?
This is for publishing on http://www.brc.gov
Today published on
One day later published on https://brc.gov/comments_May11.html
Today published on https://brc.gov/comments_May11.html :
This EMail confirms once again that my proposal / work plan
to dispose nuclear waste deep in the earth magma
has not been noted /discussed seriously
from the scientific community until today May 17, 2011.
This great idea is not mentioned here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste
I remind you Dr. Steven Chu, you Lee Hamilton and every single BRC member what you have published here: https://brc.gov/default.html :
"Description of Duties. The duties of the Commission are solely advisory and are as stated in Paragraph 3 above.
A draft report shall be submitted within 18 months of the date of the Presidential memorandum directing establishment of this Commission;
The Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (the Commission) was established in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, and as directed by the President's Memorandum for the Secretary of Energy dated January 29, 2010"
Plus 18 month is July 29, 2011.
I expect that BRC publishes my idea and my workplan in this draft report.
I have published this EMail on my blog https://www.schottie.de/?p=1736#comment-262
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 19.05.2011 12:32:07
An: BRC@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: Disposal Pipe for Nation´s nuclear waste
This morning I have read on your website http://www.brc.gov
Where We Are
On May 13, 2011 the Commission subcommittees reported on their draft recommendations. At this meeting, the co-chairs of each subcommittee presented preliminary recommendations to the rest of the commission and the public. Following this the Commission held an open discussion of those recommendations, and the meeting was concluded with an opportunity for public comment. The subcommittees will now revisit their draft reports as necessary to reflect the May 13th discussions and will issue those draft reports for public comment by the end of May.
There will be an approximately two month window between the release of the subcommittee draft reports and the issuance of the draft report of the full commission. Because the various subcommittee reports do not necessarily represent the views of all Commissioners and will require integration into a coherent report, we will use these two months to synthesize our own views prior to compiling our group report. During this time we also call for any comments from the public on the draft subcommittee reports, and ask that those who wish to make comment to do so through our website. These comments on the subcommittee drafts will be reviewed and considered in the formulation of our draft report which will be released on July 29, 2011.
Following the release of the full commission draft report, the BRC will be seeking further comment through more public meetings and other opportunities. Plans and dates for this will be released later in June.
Lee Hamilton and Brent Scowcroft
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
Since one year I am waiting for your comments and questions about my great idea to bury Nation`s nuclear waste deep in the earth magma.
Dear General Scowcraft:
Have studied my about 50 Emails,
most of them published on http://www.brc.gov since March 2010 ?
I learn today that the BRC disposal subcommittee members
have already reported on their draft recommendations
Dear John Kotek:
After two interesting and productive discussions with you
some monthes ago I have not received another call or email or question.
So I have reason to fear that you will not publish my idea and my workplan
in your draft report.
I ask each of the ten people in the Disposal Subcommittee:
Have you discussed with John Kotek the idea of the KEY HOLE EXPERIMENT ?
Have you watched the ERTA ALE VIDEO ?
Have you discussed the list of risks ?
Have you understood the patent/idea ELEVATOR BOREHEAD
to drill a very deep hole fast ?
Have you studied my WORK PLAN ?
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 17.05.2011 09:04:57
An: BRC@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: Description of BRC´s duties
This EMail confirms once again that my proposal / work plan
to dispose nuclear waste deep in the earth magma
has not been noted /discussed seriously
from the scientific community until today May 17, 2011.
This great idea is not mentioned here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste
I remind you Dr. Steven Chu, you Lee Hamilton and every single BRC member what you have published here: https://brc.gov/default.html :
"Description of Duties. The duties of the Commission are solely advisory and are as stated in Paragraph 3 above.
A draft report shall be submitted within 18 months of the date of the Presidential memorandum directing establishment of this Commission;
The Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (the Commission) was established in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, and as directed by the President's Memorandum for the Secretary of Energy dated January 29, 2010"
Plus 18 month is July 29, 2011.
I expect that BRC publishes my idea and my work plan in this draft report.
I have published this EMail on my blog https://www.schottie.de/?p=1736#comment-262
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 14.05.2011 14:40:30
An: BRC@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: Good morning Mary, Ernest, John, Lee, Tim, BRC, Dr. Steven Chu and DOE
Are these 10 people on this foto the 10 members of the BRC Disposal Subcommittee ?
Eingang in den Stollen Yucca Mountain
Gegenwärtig sind in 19 der 41 Länder, die Kernenergie nutzen, Endlager für schwach- und mittelradioaktive Abfälle in Betrieb[1] Zumeist werden dabei Abfälle mit kurzer Halbwertszeit (< 30 Jahre) in oberflächennahe Kammern in bis zu 10 m Tiefe eingelagert. Nach Beendigung des Einlagerungsbetriebs schließt sich eine ca. 300 Jahre lange Überwachungsphase an, während deren die Nutzung des Geländes normalerweise eingeschränkt ist. In Schweden und Finnland gibt es Endlager in Form von oberflächennahen Felskavernen in Tiefen von etwa 70 bis 100 m unter der Erdoberfläche. Für hochradioaktive und langlebige Abfälle wird weltweit die Endlagerung in tiefen geologischen Formationen angestrebt. In Yucca Mountain (USA), Olkiluoto (Finnland) und in Forsmark (Schweden) sind entsprechende Endlager konkret geplant..... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endlagerung
Diese EMail bestätigt erneut, dass mein Vorschlag/Arbeitsplan Nuklearmüll mehrere hundert Kilometer tief und millionenjahresicher zu endlagern bisher nicht zur Kenntnis genommen wurde.
This email confirms once again that my proposal / work plan
to dispose nuclear waste deep in the earth magma
has not been noted /discussed seriously / realized
until today May 14, 2011.
Copyright: Rainer Schottlaender
https://www.schottie.de https://www.schottie.de/?p=1736
Heute veröffentlicht auf https://brc.gov/comments_May11.html
From: BRC [CommissionDFO@Nuclear.Energy.Gov]
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 6:34 AM
To: correspondence@blueribboncommission.net
Subject: FW: Disposal Pipe for Nation´s nuclear waste
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 6:34:05 AM
Cc: correspondence@blueribboncommission.net
Subject: Disposal Pipe for Nation´s nuclear waste
This morning I have read on your website http://www.brc.gov
Where We Are
On May 13, 2011 the Commission subcommittees reported on their draft recommendations.
At this meeting, the cochairs
of each subcommittee presented preliminary recommendations to the rest of the commission and the public.
Following this the Commission held an open discussion of those recommendations, and the meeting was concluded
with an opportunity for public comment.
The subcommittees will now revisit their draft reports as necessary to reflect
the May 13th discussions and will issue those draft reports for public comment by the end of May.
There will be an approximately two month window between the release of the subcommittee draft reports and the
issuance of the draft report of the full commission. Because the various subcommittee reports do not necessarily
represent the views of all Commissioners and will require integration into a coherent report, we will use these two
months to synthesize our own views prior to compiling our group report. During this time we also call for any
comments from the public on the draft subcommittee reports, and ask that those who wish to make comment to do so through our website. These comments on the subcommittee drafts will be reviewed and considered in the formulation of our draft report which will be released on July 29, 2011.
Following the release of the full commission draft report, the BRC will be seeking further comment through more
public meetings and other opportunities. Plans and dates for this will be released later in June.
Lee Hamilton and Brent Scowcroft
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
Since one year I am waiting for your comments and questions about my great
idea to bury Nation`s nuclear waste deep in the earth magma.
Dear General Scowcraft:
Have studied my about 50 Emails,
most of them published on http://www.brc.gov since March 2010 ?
I learn today that the BRC disposal subcommittee members
have already reported on their draft recommendations
Dear John Kotek:
After two interesting and productive discussions with you
some monthes ago I have not received another call or email or question.
So I have reason to fear that you will not publish my idea and my workplan
in your draft report.
I ask each of the ten people in the Disposal Subcommittee:
Have you discussed with John Kotek the idea of the KEY HOLE EXPERIMENT ?
Have you watched the ERTA ALE VIDEO ?
Have you discussed the list of risks ?
Have you understood the patent/idea ELEVATOR BOREHEAD
to drill a very deep hole fast ?
Have you studied my WORK PLAN ?
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 17.05.2011 09:04:57
An: BRC@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: Description of BRC´s duties
This EMail confirms once again that my proposal / work plan
to dispose nuclear waste deep in the earth magma
has not been noted /discussed seriously
from the scientific community until today May 17, 2011.
This great idea is not mentioned here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_waste
I remind you Dr. Steven Chu, you Lee Hamilton and every single BRC member
what you have published here: https://brc.gov/default.html :
"Description of Duties. The duties of the Commission are solely advisory and are as stated in Paragraph 3 above.
A draft report shall be submitted within 18 months of the date of the Presidential memorandum directing
establishment of this Commission;
The Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (the Commission) was established in accordance with the
provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, and as directed by the
President's Memorandum for the Secretary of Energy dated January 29, 2010"
Plus 18 month is July 29, 2011.
I expect that BRC publishes my idea and my work plan in this draft report.
I have published this EMail on my blog https://www.schottie.de/?p=1736#comment-262
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 14.05.2011 14:40:30
An: BRC@nuclear.energy.gov
Betreff: Good morning Mary, Ernest, John, Lee, Tim, BRC, Dr. Steven Chu and DOE
Are these 10 people on this foto the 10 members of the BRC Disposal
Subcommittee ?
( In der Original EMail sieht man ein Wikipedia-Foto mit zehn Personen vor dem…)
Eingang in den Stollen Yucca Mountain
Gegenwärtig sind in 19 der 41 Länder, die Kernenergie nutzen, Endlager für schwach- und mittelradioaktive Abfälle inBetrieb[1] Zumeist werden dabei Abfälle mit kurzer Halbwertszeit (< 30 Jahre) in oberflächennahe Kammern in bis zu 10 m Tiefe eingelagert. Nach Beendigung des Einlagerungsbetriebs schließt sich eine ca. 300 Jahre lange Überwachungsphase an, während deren die Nutzung des Geländes normalerweise eingeschränkt ist. In Schweden und Finnland gibt es Endlager in Form von oberflächennahen Felskavernen in Tiefen von etwa 70 bis 100 m unter der Erdoberfläche. Für hochradioaktive und langlebige Abfälle wird weltweit die Endlagerung in tiefen geologischen Formationen angestrebt. In Yucca Mountain (USA), Olkiluoto (Finnland) und in Forsmark (Schweden) sind entsprechende Endlager konkret geplant..... https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endlagerung
Diese EMail bestätigt erneut, dass mein Vorschlag/Arbeitsplan Nuklearmüll
mehrere hundert Kilometer tief und millionenjahresicher zu endlagern bisher
nicht zur Kenntnis genommen wurde.
This email confirms once again that my proposal / work plan
to dispose nuclear waste deep in the earth magma
has not been noted /discussed seriously / realized
until today May 14, 2011.
Betreff: Uranium and Thorium World Resources
Von: rainer.schottlaender@web.de
Starting here
Mineral Commodity Summaries 2011 Available Online
I have looked again into this question.
There are controverse numbers in the internet.
It is not clear for me in the moment if America´s nuclear future is
the SLOW BREEDER using Th232/U233
or the FAST BREEDER using U238/Pu239
instead of today´s very rare U235.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium#Reserves :
IAEA Assessment
Furthermore the IAEA report mentions that India possesses two thirds (67%) of global reserves of monazite, the primary thorium ore. The IAEA also states that recent reports have upgraded India's thorium deposits up from approximately 300,000 tonnes to 650,000 tonnes.[62]
The prevailing estimate of the economically available thorium reserves comes from the US Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries (1996–2010):[58][63]
American estimates in tonnes (2010) Country↓ Reserves↓
United States 440,000
Australia 300,000
Brazil 16,000
Canada 100,000
India 290,000 to 650,000
Malaysia 4,500
South Africa 35,000
Other Countries 90,000
World Total 1,300,000 to 1,660,000
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium#Resources_and_reserves :
Resources and reserves
A world map showing that 100 units of uranium production are in Canada, 30 in Russia, 60 in Kazakhstan, 90 in Australia, 20 in Namibia, 20 in Niger. China, India, Ukraine, Germany, South Africa, and US have below 10 unts each.
Uranium output in 2005
It is estimated that 5.5 million tonnes of uranium ore reserves are economically viable at US$59/lb,[48] while 35 million tonnes are classed as mineral resources (reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction).[49]
There are about 4 billion tons uranium dissolved in the oceans
– but only in the very low concentration of 3 ppb´s so that this way of U238-production can probably not compete.
As I have learned today here……………..
APPENDIX C—Reserves and Resources
Reserves data are dynamic. They may be reduced as
ore is mined and/or the extraction feasibility diminishes,
or more commonly, they may continue to increase as
additional deposits (known or recently discovered) are
developed, or currently exploited deposits are more
thoroughly explored and/or new technology or economic
variables improve their economic feasibility. Reserves
may be considered a working inventory of mining
companies' supply of an economically extractable
mineral commodity. As such, magnitude of that
inventory is necessarily limited by many considerations,
including cost of drilling, taxes, price of the mineral
commodity being mined, and the demand for it.
Reserves will be developed to the point of business
needs and geologic limitations of economic ore grade
and tonnage. For example, in 1970, identified and
undiscovered world copper resources were estimated to
contain 1.6 billion metric tons of copper, with reserves of
about 280 million metric tons of copper. Since then,
about 400 million metric tons of copper have been
produced worldwide, but world copper reserves in 2010
were estimated to be 630 million metric tons of copper,
more than double those in 1970, despite the depletion
by mining of more than the original reserves estimate……………………………….
(Singer, D.A., and Menzie, W.D., 2010, Quantitative mineral resource
assessments—An integrated approach: Oxford, United Kingdom,
Oxford University Press, 219 p.)
……………….. world´s thorium resources might be bigger.
A hint for this are these two quotations from the german language wikipedia
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium :
"In der Erdkruste kommt Thorium in Mengen zwischen 7 und 13 mg Thorium pro kg vor; damit ist es etwa doppelt bis dreimal so häufig wie Uran….
Die weltweit jährlich für die Stromerzeugung verwendete Kohle enthält unter anderem etwa 10.000 t Uran und 25.000 t Thorium, die entweder in die Umwelt gelangen oder sich in Kraftwerksasche und Filterstäuben anreichern.[15]"
You, Lee Hamilton and you, BRC, have not published an/or answered
my foregoing EMail until this morning.
So you get it again:
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 22.05.2011 12:39:16
An: lhhamilt@indiana.edu
Betreff: Good morning Mr. Hamilton
Have you studied my about 50 EMails published on http://www.brc.gov ?
Will you publish my idea, my name and my workplan in your draft report ?
Maybe lhhamilt@indiana.edu is again not a working EMail address.
So I better send a copy of this EMail to Mary Woollen, John Kotek and Tim Frazier, too.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 27.05.2011 11:27:45
An: letters@time.com, letters@washpost.com, letters@nytimes.com, presse@kernenergie.de, presse@dpa.com
Betreff: To the people of the USA … PRESS INFORMATION.
Why should the United States take these risks ? :
http://www.brc.gov / https://brc.gov/may_13_2011_meeting.html :
"The United States should proceed expeditiously to
develop one or more permanent deep geological
facilities for the safe disposal of high-level nuclear
◦ Permanent disposal is needed under all reasonably
foreseeable scenarios.
Geologic disposal in a mined repository is the most
promising and technically accepted option available for
safely isolating high-level nuclear wastes for very long
periods of time……"
http://www.schottie.de :
….. in case of a volcanic eruption this waste could enter biosphere.
….. in case of a heavy earthquake maybe, too
My idea to dispose Nation`s nuclear waste not 5 km deep in a "mined repository" but f.i. 500 km deep in the earth magma is feasible and much better:
Publiziert 19. Februar 2011
Stellen Sie sich bitte vor Sie halten in Ihrer rechten Hand ein Stück zersägtes abgebranntes Brennelement
aus einem Atomkraftwerk.
Wohin damit ?
Stellen Sie sich jetzt im Gedankenexperiment vor, dieses schwere Metallstück würde sich 100 Kilometer tief genau unter Ihren Füssen im Erdmagma befinden.
Kommt es dann je wieder hoch ?
Ich vermute: Ja, aber erst in einer Million Jahren.
Durch das aufsteigende Magma, dass mit diesem "Tempo" die de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontinentaldrift antreibt.
In Ihrem Stück Brennelement befindet sich der komplette Isotopenmix der Kettenreaktion von U235.
Was passiert mit einer kleinen Blase des radioaktiven Edelgasisotops Krypton-81 ?
Ich vermute: Sie löst sich nach wenigen Metern im umgebenden Gesteinsbrei auf – wie Zucker im Kaffee – und braucht ebenfalls eine Million Jahre.
Bis Unterkante Erdrinde.
Damit ist sie noch lange nicht in der Biosphäre.
Meine Lösung ist besser als jedes Endlager in der festen Erdrinde, zB Asse, Gorleben, Yucca Moutain etc.
Null komma Null Risiko für Grundwasser, Erdbeben, Klimawandel, Terror.
Über das Vulkanismusrisiko und das Ihnen im Moment unverständliche RUNAWAY RISK einer PROVOCATED ERUPTION reden wir vielleicht später.
Warum neudeutsch ?
Weil ich gezwungen war mit meinen Ideen zu emigrieren…
Wie transportiere ich ordentlich und sicher 100.000 Fässer, Gorlebens Castorbehälter und den Tschernobyl-Sarkophag (einige) hundert Kilometer tief ins Magma ?
Das ist eine lange spannende Geschichte, die am Tag meiner entscheidenden Idee am 2.11.2008 begann …
Google Übersetzer
Nuclear waste repository found (translated by GOOGLE)
Do you have imagination?
Imagine you are holding in your right hand a piece of Cut sawn spent fuel element from the nuclear power plant in your neighborhood.
Where to put it?
Now imagine the thought experiment before, this heavy piece of metal is 100 km would be located right under your feet deep in Erdmagma.
If it comes back up ever?
My guess: Yes, but only in a million years.
By the ascending magma that drives with the "pace" the de.wikipedia.org / wiki / continental drift.
In your piece of the fuel assembly is complete Isotopenmix the chain reaction of U235.
What happens to a small gas bubble of the radioactive noble gas krypton-81?
My guess: It dissolves within a few meters in the surrounding Gesteinsbrei on – like sugar in coffee – and also needs a million years
Bie bottom crust.
Thus, it is still not in the biosphere.
My solution is a million years and certainly better than any repository in the solid earth's crust, such as aces, Gorleben, Yucca Mountain, etc.
Copyright: https://www.schottie.de/?p=691#more-691
additional informations: WORKPLAN and about 50 Emails published on http://www.brc.gov
Kennen Sie, lieber Leser/Leserin einen Journalisten hierfür ?:
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 14.06.2011 17:12:33
An: hritter@ap.org, chawkins@ap.org, pharloff@ap.org, dweston@ap.org, jrosenberg@ap.org, nratti@ap.org, mfordahl@ap.org, mcardona@ap.org, prizzo@ap.org, mrose@ap.org, swollenberg@ap.org, tagovino@ap.org, adInnocenzio@ap.rog, rherschaft@ap.org, ajesdanun@ap.org, bmeyerson@ap.org, vtong@ap.org, jelderfield@ap.org, esimon@ap.org, tparadis@ap.org, epowell@ap.org, rpeck@ap.org, ssutel@ap.org, pdvensson@ap.org, jelphinstone@ap.org, jfarwell@ap.org, cchapman@ap.org, info@ap.org, ludewig.michael@dpa.com, buechner.wolfgang@dpa.com, freund.roland@dpa.com
Betreff: Hallo Holger…achter Versuch…Re: Third attempt….. to Associated Press +++ This is a story of national and international significance
Wie ich Dich kenne kannst Du mit einem Anruf
das Interesse des DAPD-Chefredakteurs wecken.
Hier die Dokumentation meiner bisher drei erfolglosen EMails
an je 27 AP-Adressen und vier erfolglose EMails an 3 DPA-Adressen.
Ich sehe bei GA, dass keine einzige dieser 3 x 27 + 4 x 3 = 93 EMails zu auch nur einem klick bei http://www.schottie.de führten.
Geschweige denn zu einer Frage, Rückruf oder ernsthaften Nachdenkens über diesen weltbesten Vorschlag zur Lösung des seit 62 Jahren und 6 Monaten ungelösten Atommüllproblems.
Nachdem https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Hahn im Dezember 1938 den ersten produzierte.
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 13.06.2011 12:12:51
An: hritter@ap.org, chawkins@ap.org, pharloff@ap.org, dweston@ap.org, jrosenberg@ap.org, nratti@ap.org, mfordahl@ap.org, mcardona@ap.org, prizzo@ap.org, mrose@ap.org, swollenberg@ap.org, tagovino@ap.org, adInnocenzio@ap.rog, rherschaft@ap.org, ajesdanun@ap.org, bmeyerson@ap.org, vtong@ap.org, jelderfield@ap.org, esimon@ap.org, tparadis@ap.org, epowell@ap.org, rpeck@ap.org, ssutel@ap.org, pdvensson@ap.org, jelphinstone@ap.org, jfarwell@ap.org, cchapman@ap.org, info@ap.org, ludewig.michael@dpa.com, buechner.wolfgang@dpa.com, freund.roland@dpa.com
Betreff: Third attempt….. to Associated Press +++ This is a story of national and international significance
This is my third EMail within one week to 27 adresses of AP journalists.
My goal is to get your attention for a great idea.
My last 2 x 27 = 54 Emails were totally ignored, not even opened, as I learn here:
My goal is that one of you, Mr. Ritter, Hawkins, Harloff…Chapman takes a look on this
"story of national and international significance":
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
Gesendet: 08.06.2011 10:31:33
An: hritter@ap.org, chawkins@ap.org, pharloff@ap.org, dweston@ap.org, jrosenberg@ap.org, nratti@ap.org, mfordahl@ap.org, mcardona@ap.org, prizzo@ap.org, mrose@ap.org, swollenberg@ap.org, tagovino@ap.org, adInnocenzio@ap.rog, rherschaft@ap.org, ajesdanun@ap.org, bmeyerson@ap.org, vtong@ap.org, jelderfield@ap.org, esimon@ap.org, tparadis@ap.org, epowell@ap.org, rpeck@ap.org, ssutel@ap.org, pdvensson@ap.org, jelphinstone@ap.org, jfarwell@ap.org, cchapman@ap.org
Betreff: to Associated Press +++ This is a story of national and international significance
Dear Mr. President Barack Obama
As directed by your Memorandum for the Secretary of Energy dated January 29, 2010
you will get soon from the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future
– http://www.brc.gov – this recommendation:
"The United States should proceed expeditiously to develop one or more permanent deep geological facilities for the safe disposal of high-level nuclear waste. Permanent disposal is needed under all reasonably foreseeable scenarios. Geologic disposal in a mined repository is the most promising and technically accepted option available for safely isolating high-level nuclear wastes for very long periods of time……"
… if you ignore that in case of a volcanic eruption this radioactive waste could enter biosphere.
… if you ignore the earthquake risk
… if you ignore the groundwater risk
… if you ignore the same foreseeable national and international political stress
as in Gorleben and Yucca Mountain
You, Mr. President and The People of the United States
should not follow BRC´s SECOND BEST advise.
My idea to dispose Nation`s nuclear waste
NOT some km deep in a "mined repository"
BUT some hundred km deep in the earth magma
contact/more info/comments through https://www.schottie.de/?p=1736
Press information number 1 of x …published on http://www.schottie.de … May 29, 2011
The Inspector General is an independent oversight office held by a Presidential Appointee who coordinates policies and makes recommendations to further economy and efficiency in administration
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_the_Inspector_General,_U.S._Department_of_Defense )
Dear Robert Michael Gates:
The 15-member Commission is to conduct a comprehensive review of policies for managing the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle and recommend a new plan…. ( http://www.brc.gov )
If you click http://www.brc.gov and study the 81 page DRAFT DISPOSAL REPORT you will find not one single word about the worldwide best new plan.
What you find is the copy of that what Sweden and Finland did with their nuclear waste.
A good solution for hundred years…
…if no earthquake hits the "mined repository" and groundwater enters.
Save against war, terror and some other risks.
President Obama waits since 16 month on BRC´s recommendations.
If his rare time will allow him Barack Obama will read on page 80 :
The recent disaster in Japan has cast a harsh light on our collective failure (over more than
40 years) to come to grips with the nuclear waste problem. It reminds us that delay and deferral also have
consequences—that the failure to decide is also a decision, with its own costs and risks
That´s true, too…and it is almost a joke that the 15 BRC members
just run into the next COLLECTIVE FAILURE.
Dear Inspector General:
Please force Lee Hamilton and BRC immediately to publish this EMail
links :
Disposal Pipe for Nation´s nuclear waste
Eine neuentdecktes, m-i-l-l-i-o-n-e-n-jahresicheres Endlager für Atommüll:
Heute nacht veröffentlicht auf https://brc.gov/comments_March10.html :
I keep on thinking about the best way how to drill a 20 kilometer deep hole….
Earth cross-section showing location of the Mohorovičić discontinuity
The Keyhole-Experiment
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySnI4RYirKw
You see world´s only lava lake. Stable since decades. Take two minutes of your time. And admire this wonder of nature. Which you have never seen before. Deep in the desert of Ethiopia….
My thesis is:
There where you see the bubbles…. hot gas comes up…. 1200 C hot.
Roughly estimated 50 m^3/s. Day by day. Year by year.
I think that in this long time billions of gas bubbles have molten a perpendicular some meter wide channel.
Through which we could "look" into earth interior and do experiments:
Temperature depending on depth
Magma speed
Imagine a 200 meter long steel wire from the rim right over the bubble to the other side of ERTA ALE´s crater.
Will a heavy sphere from steel/molybdenum/tungsten on a 100 km or even 200 km long tungsten wire (melting point 3400 C) sink down and down and down towards earth geocenter ?
This is the first KEY HOLE EXPERIMENT.
If successful – there will be many.
Dear Associated Press journalists:
You should have questions.