………… 10.April : Trotz täglicher Proteste beim italienischen Zivilschutz ist die Situation unverändert.
………… 13. April: an Franco Gabrielli via segreteriacd@protezionecivile.it, international@protezionecivile.it :
………… 19. April, wiederum an Franco Gabrielli, an ANSA und an die Presse.
…………..4. Mai: Situation unverändert, erneute EMails an ANSA
SkyBalls standardmässig mit Durchmessern von 2,00 bis 9,00 Metern
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender" <rainer.schottlaender@web.de>
An: rosanna.pugliese@ansa.it, Chiara.Cardaci@protezionecivile.it, Mauro.Dolce@protezionecivile.it, patane@ct.ingv.it, presidente@ingv.it, segreteriacd@protezionecivile.it, international@protezionecivile.it, info@antoniofamularo.it, annamariaferrara@cix.it, carniel65@gmail.com, "Kaiser, Harald" <kaiser.harald@stern.de>, kampe.joern@geo.de, bischoff.juergen@geo.de, johannes.unger@rbb-online.de, Siegwart.Kluge@rbb-online.de, guenter.thimm@rbb-online.de
Betreff: To ANSA, the press and Franco Gabrielli
Fotos hier: https://www.schottie.de/?p=5085
Was würden Sie machen, wenn man Ihnen von Amtswegen das hier schreibt ?:
Aufgeben ? Diese destruktive EMail hier hinnehmen ? :
Dear Mr. Rainer Schottlaender,
Thanks for your interest in performing experiments on the Stromboli volcano. As already asserted in our previous e-mail (5th of March) we believe that the basic safety conditions to carry out your tests do not exist in Stromboli. Actually there is a continuous explosive activity in Stromboli and, due to the geometry of the craters, the risk of being hit by lava fragments is very high, even if you stay in the area of Valle della Luna.
We advise you to contact the Director of Catania INGV, dr. Domenico Patanè (who reads this e-mail in cc) in order to get more details about Stromboli activity.
We would like to remind you that further requests to our Department will be, unfortunately, not considered.
Best regards
Chiara Cardaci
On Behalf of the Director of the Seismic and Volcanic Office of the Department of Civil Protection.
dott.ssa geol. Chiara Cardaci Dipartimento della Protezione Civile Ufficio Sismico e Vulcanico Servizio Rischio Vulcanico Via Vitorchiano, 00189 Rom tel. 06 6820232 cell. 329 410438 fax 06 68202992
My answer on this next day:
https://translate.google.de/#de|it| :
Dichiaro che sono in caso di mia morte o lesioni
a causa di attività vulcanica durante la mia spedizione
Nessun danno sostiene immaginare.
Who is the
"Director of the Seismic and Volcanic Office of the Department of Civil Protection ?"
If this is you, dear Franco Gabrielli, I complain herewith, if not, too.
I guess you have just not noticed my declaration in case of my death or injury.
As long as Stromboli is not forbidden for tourists
you have no reason and no right to obstruct me
and the progress of science and technology.
Future experiments like this worldwide first KEYHOLE EXPERIMENT
will teach us more about the interior of our earth.
Its just a tiny chance,
but measuring the sinking speed of EARTH-1
might even help in the future to predict eruptions.
I also complain, that I have contacted Prof. Patane several times without any answer.
My question to him and Dr. Roberto Carniel is still unanswered:
Is there a teleseismic "picture" of the Stromboli vent ?
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. März 2012 um 15:13 Uhr, "Dolce Mauro" , "patane@ct.ingv.it" , "presidente@ingv.it" , "Segreteria CD" , international , info@antoniofamularo.it, "info@hotelossidiana.it" , "Roberto Carniel" ,
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
An: "Cardaci Chiara"
Betreff: again to Cardaci/Gabrielli/ Famularo/Palumbo/Carniel… Expedition to Stromboli / booking / administration
This morning I have tested in my garden
the 1000 meter wire and the time delayed ignition.
After positioning EARTH-1 right over the Stromboli crater
a burning rope is the safest and easiest way to realize this.
All works fine.
Foto later on my blog http://www.schottie.de
Gesendet: Sonntag, 08. April 2012 um 09:38 Uhr, kampe.joern@geo.de, bischoff.juergen@geo.de, johannes.unger@rbb-online.de, Siegwart.Kluge@rbb-online.de, guenter.thimm@rbb-online.de
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
An: georg_mascolo@spiegel.de, gerald_traufetter@spiegel.de
Cc: rosanna.pugliese@ansa.it, Chiara.Cardaci@protezionecivile.it, Mauro.Dolce@protezionecivile.it, patane@ct.ingv.it, presidente@ingv.it, segreteriacd@protezionecivile.it, international@protezionecivile.it, info@antoniofamularo.it, annamariaferrara@cix.it,carniel65@gmail.com, "Kaiser, Harald"
Betreff: Good morning Mario Monti
You promise the people of Italy wealth and future.
Look on this case:
Annamaria, Simona and Antonio dont get my money.
The ferries to Stromboli loose passengers.
Dr. Cardaci, Prof. Dolce and Prof. Patane learn nothing new about volcanos:
Franco has no idea how to solve a problem if there is one.
But :
Rosanna from ANSA has a nice story.
Looking for your mail address I find :
Mario Monti – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Nachrichten
… Das Land hat unter dem Regierungschef Mario Monti einen neuen Politikstil erfunden.
This one ?
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. April 2012 um 11:45 Uhr, kampe.joern@geo.de, bischoff.juergen@geo.de, johannes.unger@rbb-online.de, Siegwart.Kluge@rbb-online.de, guenter.thimm@rbb-online.de
Von: "Rainer Schottlaender"
An: rosanna.pugliese@ansa.it, Chiara.Cardaci@protezionecivile.it, Mauro.Dolce@protezionecivile.it, patane@ct.ingv.it, presidente@ingv.it, segreteriacd@protezionecivile.it, international@protezionecivile.it, info@antoniofamularo.it, annamariaferrara@cix.it, carniel65@gmail.com, "Kaiser, Harald"
Betreff: To ANSA, the press and Franco Gabrielli
Hier auf meinem Schreibtisch steht die 1706 Gramm schwere Sonde EARTH-1.
Prof. Patane, Prof. Dolce und Dr. Cardaci interessiert es nicht, ob es möglich ist,
diese Sonde durch den Stromboli-Schlot Richtung Erdmittelpunkt zu schicken.
Franco Gabrielli ist bisher meiner Bitte nicht gefolgt, diese EMail an seinen Vorgesetzten weiterzuleiten.
Jetzt rufe ich Rosanna Pugliese von ANSA unter 030-726262500 an.
Das Telefon ist besetzt.
Hallo Rosanna:
Wann treffen wir uns, damit Sie diese spannende Geschichte veröffentlichen können ?
Ich teste hier in meinem Garten "jede einzelne Schraube" für die Expedition.
Es wäre übrigens schade um die schönen Fernsehbilder.
Von diesem weltweit noch nie durchgeführtem Experiment.
Fotos hier: https://www.schottie.de/?p=5085