A new look on geothermal energy production

T H E   U N I T E D  S T A T E S   O F   A M E R I C A
9 6 2 9 0 9 1 km^2

– 5 km ….. +160 Celsius

– 6 km 190 C

-15 km 460 C
-16 km 490 C


We cool the whole sheet – 5 km to – 6 km down to 100 C

These 9,63 x 10^6 km^3 x 1 J/(g*K) x (dT= 75 C ) x 3 g/cm^3
= approx. 2 x 10^24 Ws = 7 x 10^17 kWh-th = 700.000.000 TWh-th
For comparison: US yearly prime energy use about 25.000 TWh-th
Natural geothermal heat upstream 70 kW/km^2
mulitiplied with USA´s 9.629.091 km^2 ………………….. 0,674 Terawatts
x 8760 hours/year…………………………………………….. 5.904 TWh-th
So in this sheet is enough energy to supply the USA for 28.000 years.

In reality the problem is the price for deep boreholes.
We know enough about steam turbines and engines.
In order to use this energy more effort is needed to improve
manufacturing of very deep holes.

One little step towards this goal might be my invention ELEVATOR BOREHEAD
described in my first Email
03/24/2010 Rainer Schottlaender
Urgent message for the Blue Ribbon Commission
Meeting March 25/26, 2010
Copyright: Rainer Schottlaender, Jastrower Weg 17, 12687 Berlin/Germany

published tonight here: https://brc.gov/comments_April11.html

Über schotti

* geb. 1949 in Berlin * 1967-1971 Physikstudium an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin * 1975 Diplom in München * 1976 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am MPI für Astrophysik in Garching * 1977-1978 Redakteur beim Elektronik Journal München * 1979-1988 Aufbau eines Bauhandwerkbetriebes in München * 1989-1990 Songwriter/Sänger in San Diego (USA) * 1991-heute eigenfinanzierte Forschungsarbeit in Berlin

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